Synn Wang Приложения

國家森林遊樂區 2.0
Synn Wang
來源為市府開放平台的API,利用開放平台的資料,抓我想要的資料,放進我的APP裡面。首先,此軟體必須要先開網路(行動網路 Or wifi)、定位系統(GPS),因為此軟體是需要從網路上抓資料下來的,定位則是讓你能夠看清楚目的地在哪。裡面有個列表,他是同步網路上的資訊,它可以顯示每個地方的基本資訊,想在了解更多,可在點選列表裡面的內容,則可看到更深入的介紹。另一個則是地圖按鈕,它結合了Google map,能夠顯示目的地在哪裡,讓你/妳能夠輕鬆的到達目的地。這麼方便又好用的程式,趕緊下載吧!!!Source for the city openplatform API, the use of open data platform, I want to catch theinformation into my APP inside.First, the software must first open network (mobile network Orwifi), positioning systems (GPS), because this software is requiredto grasp information from the Internet down,Positioning is to allow you to see where the destination.Which has a list, he is the synchronization of information onthe web, it can display basic information about each place, want toknow more, you can click on the list in the contents inside, youcan see more in-depth introduction.Another is the map button, which combines Google map, candisplay destination gonna let you / u can easily reach theirdestinations.So convenient and easy to use program, and quickly downloadit!
佛光大學資訊應用學系 1.5.1
Synn Wang
本App由佛光大學資訊應用學系所製作,主要介紹本系相關新聞、師資、課程等相關資訊。歡迎各位使用,並利用本App和本系連絡,本系將盡快給您回覆。The App was produced byFo Guang University, Department of Information application, thedepartment focuses on information related news, faculty, and so on.Welcome you to use, and use of the App and contact the department,the department will give you a reply.
欖仁溪生態遊 1.2
Synn Wang
在本APP中,本團隊使用墾丁國家公園管理處之公開資料,加上本團隊於網路上收集之開放之料加值之後,進行資料的呈現。欖仁溪為屏東縣滿州鄉的一個生態景點,具有相當豐富的生態資源。同時,該社區亦大力推廣生態旅遊,因此本團隊依此概念開發此APP。在此APP中,除了有該地區生態物種的介紹之外,另有住宿、交通、網友分享等服務,希望提供遊客對於欖仁溪的生態旅遊更加理解,並提升欖仁溪的生態旅遊品質。In the APP, the team usedpublicly available information the Kenting National Park, theopening of plus bonus material collected by the team on the networkafter rendering data.Terminalia Creek Township, Pingtung County for the Manchurian anecological attractions, with a wealth of ecological resources.Meanwhile, the community is also to promote eco-tourism, andtherefore the concept development team so this APP.In this APP, there is in addition to introducing the ecologicalspecies, while accommodation, transportation, and other servicesusers to share, want to provide tourists for eco-tourism TerminaliaCreek better understand and improve the quality of Terminalia Creekeco-tourism.
獨立音樂資訊 1.0
Synn Wang
本APP是利用政府資料開放平台所提供的資料進行資料之呈現。所提供的資料包含活動名稱、場次地址、活動日期、票價、買票網址、緯度、經度(以Google Map呈現)。獨立音樂通常宣傳的資源較少,所以利用政府資料開放平台取得資訊再製作本APP以分享這類資訊,讓獨立樂團能有更多人欣賞。The APP is to use theCensus data provided by the open platform of datapresentation.The information provided includes active name, address screening,event date, fares, tickets site, latitude, longitude (in Google Mapshowing).Typically fewer resources independent music publicity, so the useof government data open platform to obtain information and thenmake this APP to share such information, so indie bands to havemore people to enjoy.
特色圖書館 1.0
Synn Wang
一個能用來查詢哪個地方擁有特殊的圖書館,會告訴使用者地點、圖書館名稱及圖書館的資訊Which can be used toquery a local library has a special that will tell the userlocation, library name and library of information
計算卡路里 1.5
Synn Wang
在這資訊發達的時代,人們常常忽略了運動的重要性.「運動」是身體保健的基礎,也是一件每人每天不可缺少的適度的運動,也很重要的。因此,我們每一個人每週都要有固定的運動時間,養成良好的運動習慣,保持著健康的身體,才能充滿活力的過每一天,這就是運動的最大目的吧!In this era ofinformationdeveloped, people often overlook the importance ofsport. "Sports" is the basis for physical health, but alsoanindispensable daily moderate exercise per person, but alsoveryimportant.Therefore, each of us should have a fixed weekly exercisetime,develop good exercise habits, maintaining a healthy body,tovibrant over each day, it is the movement of the largestpurposeit!
猜猜樂 1.0
Synn Wang
限時2分鐘內輸入4位數的數字,且4個數字不得重複,2分鐘內猜中數字,即可獲勝!A代表數字和位置正確,B代表數字正確位置錯誤。例如:1A3B數字與位置正確的有1個,其他3個則是數字正確位置錯誤。Enter within thetimelimit 2 minutes 4-digit number, and the four digit shall notberepeated within two minutes to guess numbers, you can win!Arepresents a number and the correct position, B representsthenumber correct location errors. For example: 1A3B numbers andhavea correct position, the other three are numeric correctlocationerrors.
領養代替購買 1.0
Synn Wang
使用行政院農業委員會所提供的開放平台資料來製作應用軟體,主要能夠讓使用者取得簡易的動物資料,譬如:動物的類型、動物性別、動物體型、動物毛色、動物年紀、是否絕育等資訊。The use of openplatformsCouncil of Agriculture data provided to make applicationsoftware,mainly to allow the user to obtain a simple animal data,such as:the type of animal, animal sex, animal body, animal fur,animalage, whether sterilization and other information.
±50 1.0
Synn Wang
緊張、刺激,在上下50之間決定勝負!和親友一起比賽,樂趣無窮!考驗反應速度與技巧。規則1. 按住螢幕不放2. 讓藍色能量條頂端接近白色目標線3. 最多在一個級別可以獲得50分4. 與目標距離超過50單位將減少一個生命5. 當生命用完則遊戲結束Intense, exciting, upanddown between 50 to decide the outcome!And friends play together, fun!Test of reaction speed and skills.Rule1. Press and hold the screen2. Let the blue energy bar near the top of the whitetargetline3. You can get up to a level of 50 pointsThe target range for more than 50 units will be reduced byonelife5. When life runs out the game is over
寧夏夜市找美食 3.0
Synn Wang
夜市是台灣文化不可或缺的一部分,一個好的夜市APP應該能讓遊客很快找到這個夜市最有名最道地的小吃。本系列夜市APP藉由網友評分與部落格推薦,介紹各個夜市最好吃的攤位。同時,小吃老闆也可以藉由鼓勵網友評分而獲得高評價,對老闆與遊客而言,都是很方便的App。寧夏夜市為台北市知名夜市,更是許多遊客到台北旅遊時的必到之處,本團隊由寧夏夜市開始進行各知名夜市的APP開發。本APP主要提供程式使用者可以快速找到每一個攤位,並可以快速獲取網友對於每一個攤商的評價及部落格遊記/食記。對於使用本APP的使用者而言,可以對攤商進行評分,本評分將會即使上傳至本團隊之資料庫分享給所有APP使用者使用。請下載的朋友們儘量多多替你喜歡的攤位評價,這樣可以讓這個App有更豐富的資訊分享給大家使用。Night Market isanintegral part of Taiwanese culture, a good night market APPshouldallow visitors to quickly find the most authentic of themostfamous night market snacks. This series of night market byRatingby APP and blogs recommended to introduce the best to eateachnight market stalls. Meanwhile, the boss also snacks ratedbyencouraging users to obtain high evaluation, the boss andtourists,are very convenient App.Famous night market in Taipei Ningxia Night Market, butmanyvisitors to Taipei Travel time must dos, the team started bythewell-known Ningxia Night Market Night Market APPdevelopment.The main provider of APP program users can quickly findeverybooth and users can quickly obtain a vendor for eachevaluation andBlogs Travels / Delicious.For users who use this APP, a vendor can score, the score oftheteam will be even uploaded to the database to share allAPPusers.Please download a lot of friends who try to stall foryourfavorite evaluation, which would allow this App to havemoreinformation to share for everyone to use.
My Travel Diaries 1.2
Synn Wang
把你的回憶記錄下來寫成歷史吧!旅行日記可以讓你發布你的旅行特殊時刻給你的私人日記。它的工作原理類似於社交網絡,除了職位只存儲在您的手機上。它的意思是誰想藉回憶回家不與世界其他國家分享他們的旅客有了這個應用程序,你可以記錄您的旅行和日常生活!它的工作原理類似,社交網絡,除了職位只存儲在您的手機上。它是為誰想藉回憶回家不與世界其他國家分享這些旅客。產品特點:+添加旅行,只要你想盡可能多+添加帖子到您的行程,只要你想盡可能多(文字,地點,日期,時間,相關信息和圖片)+與GPS和互聯網設置的位置,如果你想+地圖 - 單位置+拍照,或對您的職位選擇現有的圖像+分享您的經驗和圖像+編輯條目或旅行+導出和導入備份,以節省您的旅行Record yourmemorieswritten history of it!Travel diary lets you publish your trip special moments toyourpersonal diary. It works like a social network, in addition tojobsstored only on your phone. It means who do not like to takehome toshare their memories with the rest of the worldtravelerWith this application, you can record your travels andeverydaylife! It works similar social networks, in addition to jobsstoredonly on your phone. Who would like to take home memories ofit arenot shared with the rest of the world these visitors.Features:+ Add to travel as much as you want+ Add posts to your itinerary, as much as you want (text,location,date, time, relevant information and pictures)+ Position with GPS and Internet settings, if you want+ Map - Single Location+ Camera, or your job to select an existing image+ Share your experiences and images+ Edit entries or travel+ Export and import backups to save your trip
宜蘭找車行 1.0
Synn Wang
常常臨時機車故障卻找不到附近哪邊有機車行嗎?這是一個擁有所有宜蘭地區機車行資料的應用程式,透過程式內選擇區域,可以快速找到您所在地區的機車行,也可以透過排氣檢驗站按鈕的篩選快速找到宜蘭縣政府環境保護局核可的排氣檢驗站。Often temporarylocomotive trouble but could not find which side organic dealersnear you?It is a locomotive line has all information Ilan application,select the area through internal programs, you can quickly findyour area motorcycle line, you can quickly find the Yilan CountyGovernment Environmental Protection Agency approved through thefilter exhaust test station buttons exhaust inspectionstation.
新北市古蹟 1.0
Synn Wang
Finger Direction 1.0
Synn Wang
這是一款簡單測試反應速度的手遊,在漆黑的螢幕點下去會出現箭頭,依照箭頭方向移動手指,滑對方向即得分,反之扣分,看看你在10秒的遊戲時間內,可以達到多少分吧!This is a simple testofreaction speed hand-tour, in the dark of the screen to pointdownarrow will appear, move your finger in the direction of thearrow,slide to the direction that is scoring points on thecontrary, seeyou in 10 seconds of game time, you can reach thenumber of pointsit!